Finding the root of a health issue instead of masking over it

Finding the root of a health issue instead of masking over it

Why did I walk in to the Dr’s office to find out what was wrong with me and walk out with a Rx and no answer as to what was actually going on with my body? 

Sound familiar?

I used to think that’s just the way it works. I never knew that there was more to it than just getting a bandaid. I didn’t know that you can ask questions and dig and look for the right Dr that is wanting to find the same answers. I used to say to myself ‘ Well, if they’re the Dr. than they know better than I do’. Not necessarily. I just kept getting prescriptions that were making me even more sick and it was because I didn’t understand that I could stand up for myself.

Here are some reasons why that happens and then we will talk about how to change that vicious cycle.

Why some doctors don’t listen to their patients:

There’s no denying how busy they are. Between all the patients and the paperwork, sometimes they simply don’t have time to sit down and actually listen.

Unfortunately some don’t listen cause they don’t think we know what we’re talking about. And feel threatened when you try to voice your opinion.

Because they don’t have a lot of time, they might be quick just to order tests without asking enough questions and listening.

Your lack of confidence. How? Well the less informed you are and or less confident in what you feel, the less likely they might be in taking you seriously.

How to counteract or change this from happening:

Realize that while they’re specialists in medicine, you are a specialist of your body.

You want a partner not a dictator.

Be respectful. Working with your doctor means working as a team and together. If you make your Dr. feel like they don’t know what they're doing well obviously that probably won’t turn out well.

Know that there is ALWAYS a root problem. So look for a Dr who wants to find the root of the issue.

Looking to Dr’s who do functional medicine or alternative medicine. They look for the root and solving the issue if possible instead of just masking it.

When I realized that my intuition was right many times and that I had a right to be heard is when things turned around for me. No more taking whatever Rx I’m told to and getting sick over them. No more feeling like I can’t voice my concerns.

If you’re ready to start making these changes then head over to my free FB group where we cheer each other on as we gain confidence in becoming our own self health advocates.

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3 maneras de hacer salsa Italiana auténtica

3 maneras de hacer salsa Italiana  auténtica
 Para mí, la pasta es comida reconfortante, ya que eso es lo que crecí comiendo.  Es lo que cocino cuando no quiero sacar un libro de recetas.

 Los restaurantes italianos siempre han sido difíciles para mí porque rara vez son auténticos.  Sé de inmediato si es auténtico o no si los servidores pronuncian BRUSCHETTA como brewsheta ... se pronuncia como bru-sketta ... como me molesta eso Jajaja, especialmente cuando me corrigen sobre cómo lo pronuncio ... lo siento ... obviamente  Es un tema doloroso y no tiene nada que ver con la pasta, pero mi punto es que no hay muchos restaurantes italianos auténticos.

 De ninguna manera soy la mejor cocinera italiana, pero he aprendido algunas cosas de mi madre y Nonna y quería compartirlas contigo.

Agua de pasta

 El agua de pasta es un gran condimento automático para su salsa.  Mientras hierves la pasta, toma un poco de esa agua y agrégala a cualquier salsa que estés haciendo, lo elevará completamente y mejorará el sabor.  Eso es porque habrías agregado sal al agua antes de añadir la pasta.  Así que asegúrate de no agregar mucha sal a la salsa que estás haciendo antes de poner el agua de la pasta porque entonces será demasiado salada.

 Salsa de tomate

 ¡No compres salsa progresso o ragú!  En primer lugar, los ingredientes son atroces, en segundo lugar, te mereces mucho mejor.  No es difícil hacer salsa de tomate.  Puedes conseguir puré de tomate y usarlo.  Con cualquier salsa de tomate, freír ajo y cebolla primero en aceite de oliva es muy importante.  También puedes hacer tu propio salsa con tomates frescos.  Me encanta dorar los tomates primero, mezclarlos y luego agregarlos al ajo y la cebolla.  Necesitarás agregar sal.  Si es un poco ácido, la mejor manera de cortar el acidez es agregar una pizca de azúcar.  Si tienes albahaca fresca, agregue un poco en los últimos minutos ... tan delicioso

 Cubre la pasta con tu salsa

 Este es un paso tan importante.  Si alguna vez veo pasta con la salsa solamente puesto arriba de la pasta en un restaurante, eso también es una señal de que no va a ser tan genial jajaja.

 Agregue tu salsa a la pasta y mézclalo bien antes de servir, puedes agregarle un poco de parmesano.  Siempre sazone antes de servir, puede que necesite un poco más de sal y un poco de pimienta recién molida para terminar.

 Buon appetito

3 Ways to get authentic tasting pasta

3 Ways to get authentic tasting pasta

For me pasta is comfort food since that’s what I grew up eating. It’s my go to, don’t want to take out a recipe book meal. 

Italian restaurants have always been a hard one for me because it’s VERY rarely authentic. I know right away if it’s authentic or not if the servers pronounce BRUSCHETTA as’s pronounced as bru-sketta….huge pet peeve LOL, especially when they correct me on how I pronounce it...sorry...obviously it’s a sore subject and has nothing to do with pasta but my point is there aren’t many authentic Italian restaurants.

By no means am I the best Italian cook, but I’ve learned a few things from my mom and Nonna and wanted to share them with you.

Pasta water

Pasta water is a huge automatic seasoning for your sauce. As you’re boiling the pasta take some of that water and add it to any sauce you’re making and it will completely uplift and enhance the flavor. That’s because you would’ve added salt to the water before adding the pasta. So make sure you don’t add a lot of salt to the sauce you’re making before you add the pasta water because then it will be too salty.

Tomato sauce

Please don’t buy progresso or ragú sauce!! First of all the ingredients are atrocious, second of all you deserve so much better. It’s not hard to make tomato sauce. You can get puréed tomatoes and use that. With any tomato sauce sautéeing garlic and onions in olive oil first is so important. You can also make your own with fresh tomatoes. I love sautéing and browning the tomatoes first, blending them and then adding them to the garlic and onions. You will need to add salt. If it’s a bit acidic the best way of cutting that is adding a pinch of sugar. If you have fresh basil add some in the last few mins...sooo yummy

Coat the pasta with your sauce

This is such an important step. If I ever see pasta with the sauce just sitting on top at a restaurant that’s also a tell all sign it ain’t gonna be that great lol. 

Add your sauce to your pasta and mix well before serving, you can add some parmigiano to it. Always season before serving, it might need a bit more salt and some fresh cracked pepper just to finish off.

Buon appetito 

How Lorena got her life back

Lorena is a young mother of 2 who wanted to be not just a mom but a mom that felt good and had energy.
Here is her story:

Growing up I suffered from various medical issues, I had Asthma, several injuries over the years that at the moment did not give me much problems, until I hurt my self badly on my last fall. It was so bad that I was left with 3 herniated discs and my left leg sciatic nerve pinched, this of course caused severe excruciating pain in my body, and it also caused my depression and emotions to spike.        

I was  29 years old, married with 2 energetic and beautiful kids. I did not want to be with no energy, physical and emotionally tired and in pain all the time. 

After that I was in and out of my physical therapist's office, specialist/surgeon's office and pharmacies non-stop for the following 4 years. I had gained so much weight that was causing my body to hurt even more…, my nightstand was full of several different pain medications, but nothing was working. 

I said enough is enough…!  
So, I spoke with my PCP and she presented 2 options. I   went for the one that had less risks. I knew there would be pros and cons,  and that I would have to take multivitamins for life. 

 A few months after I had the surgery, I notice changes. I started to lose weight,  finally, at least something was changing, but because of my busy schedule I kept forgetting to take  my vitamins, plus they were also awfully expensive. So again, I needed to find another way to give my body all the nutrients It needed. 

I started to feel bit weak and tired for most of the time. One night after talking to a very good friend of mine she noticed that I wasn’t  feeling good, and she asked me if I was opened to the possibility of trying a super drink that would provide me with several nutrients, she explained it was something completely natural that would not only give me the energy I needed but that It would also boost my immune system. So, in my head I was like really is it that good?  I am not going to lie even though I trusted her, I wanted to investigate a bit more about this product and make sure I was going to get something that was truly that good.      

After 2 few weeks I finally said let’s do this…. I placed and order of this Super Red Juice and started drinking it every morning, I right away noticed that I was starting to sleep much better, I  usually would sleep during the day because I felt so tired, but not anymore… I had the energy to start my day feeling well and with so much energy, I also felt my digestive system so much more relaxed than before.
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 I just recently had some labs done and everything came out so good, that my doctor asked me, what have you been doing new in your life? 
So, I told her, and she just replied: wow... you’re not the first one that has talked to me about that red juice, I’m going to have to try It.        

I was amazed of all the changes and benefits this Red Juice brought to my health. It has only been about 2 months, but I can't wait to see how my body will continue to change in to a much healthier one.  Now my husband and kids started to drink it to and that makes me so happy. 
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