Finding the root of a health issue instead of masking over it

Why did I walk in to the Dr’s office to find out what was wrong with me and walk out with a Rx and no answer as to what was actually going on with my body? 

Sound familiar?

I used to think that’s just the way it works. I never knew that there was more to it than just getting a bandaid. I didn’t know that you can ask questions and dig and look for the right Dr that is wanting to find the same answers. I used to say to myself ‘ Well, if they’re the Dr. than they know better than I do’. Not necessarily. I just kept getting prescriptions that were making me even more sick and it was because I didn’t understand that I could stand up for myself.

Here are some reasons why that happens and then we will talk about how to change that vicious cycle.

Why some doctors don’t listen to their patients:

There’s no denying how busy they are. Between all the patients and the paperwork, sometimes they simply don’t have time to sit down and actually listen.

Unfortunately some don’t listen cause they don’t think we know what we’re talking about. And feel threatened when you try to voice your opinion.

Because they don’t have a lot of time, they might be quick just to order tests without asking enough questions and listening.

Your lack of confidence. How? Well the less informed you are and or less confident in what you feel, the less likely they might be in taking you seriously.

How to counteract or change this from happening:

Realize that while they’re specialists in medicine, you are a specialist of your body.

You want a partner not a dictator.

Be respectful. Working with your doctor means working as a team and together. If you make your Dr. feel like they don’t know what they're doing well obviously that probably won’t turn out well.

Know that there is ALWAYS a root problem. So look for a Dr who wants to find the root of the issue.

Looking to Dr’s who do functional medicine or alternative medicine. They look for the root and solving the issue if possible instead of just masking it.

When I realized that my intuition was right many times and that I had a right to be heard is when things turned around for me. No more taking whatever Rx I’m told to and getting sick over them. No more feeling like I can’t voice my concerns.

If you’re ready to start making these changes then head over to my free FB group where we cheer each other on as we gain confidence in becoming our own self health advocates.


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